
-What are you doing?

i'm doing some math and reading old poetry

-You can do both of those at the same time?


-Guess so. Very nice, very impressive.

just reading, math problem...read, solve, read solve-
poetry and math- very similar in some respects...

...WHAT AM I DOING???????do i really know?

-I beg your pardon?

do i? or am i the professor of nothing- the queen...no king...(in actuality, what of my reality can i truly define, true?)

-Are you writing a poem?

i wander about, with a look- a facade- of intelligence, perhaps it's the suns brilliance falsely placed that blinds the masses
yes, must be...MUST BE...who am i to determine what must and what is?
ha- jack of all trades? haha, master of none...oh to at least be master of none- to have control over SOMETHING, even if it's nothing

what am i doing?
i sit here- responsibity cushioned in the folds of my lap- but do i attend to it...it waits like an eager child, the eager child of an absentee mother

What am i doing?
i sit here- forsaking that which i MUST...damn, i must stop using must....to revel in this, in this, the delight of the bourgeosie

what am i doing?
i sit here- typing....hmm, typing, the power to edit my thoughts a click- a backspace away
perhaps i am something....superhuman...perhaps godly? no more so,( come now- god doesn't have a back space, now does he?)

click click click

what am i doing????
...i am wasting time creating.
SUCH is the agony of the divine



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