
spring break :)

i finally have time to turn my mind to things having nothing to do with my career, academics, etc...and apparently so does my mom. Randomly- quite randomly- last friday, my mother very casually asks me, over the phone no less, if it would be ok for her to start "looking".

Oh yes, that's right- "LOOKING".

Lord, i'd rather deal with biophysical chem anyday. She's insane. No one is going to marry me- she's said it a 100 times herself: i don't cook, i don't play house very well, i've no income worth mentioning, my grammar is atrocious (not to mention my spelling, although i'm sure i wont have to include that on my biodata ;) ) i'm so bloody willy nilly i'd drive any guy bonkers. She knows this, and yet seems to be ignoring it. Oviously my mother's reached new heights of boredom. I'm sure she hasn't run this plan by my father, who will hopefully put a stop to all this the second he realizes she's crazy.

But, she brought up a point. She asked me what i'm looking for and actually expected an answer...which meant i had to come up with one. So, i thought about it and this is what i came up with: Of course there's the usual- smart, caring, tall, cute, blah blah blah...but i want more.

I think men today should be chivalrous. I want one who will walk me home, hold open the door, call to see if i made it home safely. I adore a sense of humor. I want a guy who's funny- and intelligent/witty about it. One that's sweet- sentimental, but not disgustingly nauseating about it all the time, sensitive but not too sensitive-there needs to be a balance. Oh yes, macho is sexy. Someone who is passionate about his life's path and content with the choices he's made. Someone who lives life intentionally. I want a guy who goes out of his way to help others and is sincere about it. Someone i can look up to and who'd be a positive role model for my sister as well. Ah, what else? I want someone who gets along with my family/friends- a people person. Ooooh, an artist! or, at the very least let him be someone who appreciates art- music, dance, visual, etc...whatever, i think makes people with art in their lives are happier. Ya, i want a guy who's creative. And independent- but above all, honest, caring and ridiculously loyal.

I guess I'm describing a man that doesn't exist- eh... there's always hope and compromise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that guy exists...you just have to keep looking, and when you meet him, you'll know it's the one.
=) good luck

17/5/05 6:56 PM  

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